
Luke 4-6 In the first three chapters, Dr. Luke carefully revealed the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives and empower them to do God’s work. But, in chapters 4-6, Dr. Luke shows that while Jesus responds with truth, grace, and humility, others do not respond with the Fruit of the Spirit.
First is the challenge by Satan himself, and Jesus reminds him of the pure Word of God and how one is to respond to temptations. Jesus quotes scripture from the OT three times, reminding him that our strength comes from God, not from bread; [Deut 8:3] worship belongs to God alone, as does our service; [Deut 6:13] and lastly, we are not to test God through manipulation. [Deut 6:16]
After his successful encounter with Satan, Jesus is tested by many who want to discredit and charge him with blasphemy. Each time He responds with grace, humility, and with scripture because this is His time, and it is that He might proclaim the good news and heal those with various diseases.
When Satan comes calling and seeks to tempt me, what verses do I have in my memory bank?