“God’s Love Letter”

God is love

Malachi 1 to 4 When you begin to write a letter to someone precious, how do you start? God starts by saying: “I have loved you,” [Mal 1:2] Instead of thanking God for His love, they, and we often, ask Him: “How have You loved us?” Why is it that we ask that question when the very evidence of his love is seen outside our kitchen door in creation by revealing His invisible attributes? How do we respond to God’s words: I have loved you? Instead, often we say God doesn’t love me when things are not going the way we think they should forgetting that God disciplines those He loves. In doing so, we have hurt the heart of God.

Stop today and think of all the ways He has shown his love practically and spiritually to you. Try making a list.

Malachi records another of God’s conversations about their tithing because we are a people who do not remember God’s care and lovingkindness. God challenges the people, and us, to bring the whole tithe into his storehouse. The principle is clear; He promises that when we are faithful to take care of God’s business and His house, He will open the windows of heaven and pour forth a blessing so great we cannot find room for it all.

Will you today take time today to tell God how thankful you are for His love and care?

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