“A Heart For God’s Work”

Giving begins in the heart

Numbers 7 As the Israelites were generous in their giving of materials and wealth to build the Tabernacle, they are abundant in their giving for the dedication. The Lord told Moses that each gift was to be received and then used to do the work of the tent of meeting. How practical is our God! God loves a cheerful giver and then loves to share those gifts for the work of the ministry. There is a lesson here for us, giving of our best begins in the heart. What is my best that I can give my Lord and His church?

Their offerings were acceptable because they came from a heart that was dedicated first to God. The riches of Egypt have been transformed into the riches for the Tabernacle and His work. If only they had remained that way, but as we turn to Malachi, we see a lack of reverence and a lack of a pure heart. [Malachi 1:7-9] God says to them, “I will no longer accept an offering from you.” What happened? Were the people not generous? Did their heart change? It seems that was the very reason in contrast to the offerings for the Tabernacle. In the time of Malachi, they only saw them as wearisome. This is a lesson for us.

Do we see our offerings as “wearisome?” Or do we see them as a privilege? We are called to be holy and live a holy life in reverence and sharing out of our abundance.

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