God Opens and Closes Doors

Acts 16 As a believer in Christ, we want to be open to what God has planned for our lives and that means minute by minute, day by day etc. Paul does not tell us how the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Jesus as he notes, spoke to the spirit of Paul to say no to his plans. But, Paul knew in his heart and in his spirit that the Holy Spirit was guiding step by step. How often do you experience that calling or that denying what we have planned? Can you look back over your life and see where that has happened? When that happens, it behooves us to share that with other believers who may be in need of a word to encourage them in their walk.
So, Paul and his entourage heard the man of Macedonia saying come help us. However, it wasn’t a man that they met from their obedience, but a woman named Lydia. She was not just any woman but a woman of means. She, along with her women’s crew were by the riverside and that is where Paul and his entourage found them. What an opening for Paul and his team! Now Paul could see why the Spirit had said no for the first plans and yes for the second. It was because Paul was listening and obeying that God opened her heart to the gospel message.
Lydia and her household became believers and God would use that event to begin the church in Philippi. We can learn much from this exchange how to be alert to the voice of the “Spirit of Jesus” so we know what to do and when.