God always has a remnant

God always has a remnant

Zephaniah 1 to3 The pages of history unfold in this book. Zephaniah traces his family lineage back to his great grandfather Hezekiah. In our study of 2Kings and 2Chron, we have this history: Hezekiah’s son was Manasseh–the evilest king of Judah and his son Amon. Zephaniah records that he is writing in the time of Amon’s son, Josiah. His writing is cryptic, listing the seven deadly d’s that Judah will face: (1) the day of the wrath of God, (2) trouble, (3) distress, (4) devastation, (5) desolation, (6) darkness (twice), and (7) gloominess but God always has a remnant. In the 3rd chapter, he reminds Judah and the remnant to “wait for Me.” 3: 7, they will call upon the Lord to serve Him with one accord. 3:12 God will leave a meek, and humble people and they shall trust in the name of the Lord 3:17 The Lord God will be in “their” midst, He will quiet you with His love, rejoice over you with singing; 3:20 He will gather you and give you fame and praise.

Lesson: God is sovereign; give Him praise. The day may be dark, but His light is ever before us.

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