The Truth of Prov 29:25

Trust God not men

2Kings 18-19, Ps 46, Ps 80, Ps 135 “How to Handle a Bully.”

King Hezekiah was a righteous king who followed the Lord but faltered when the bully King Sennacherib sent his emissary to taunt King Hezekiah. King Sennacherib is what we call a bully, for his words do not match his actions unless we capitulate to his demands, which Hezekiah did the first time. Bullies, seek to shame, ridicule, tease and yes even slander our faith. When you concede, you give a bully the right to up his demands, precisely what Sennacherib did. The second time, Hezekiah did not falter but took the demand to the Lord. Why is it that we follow Hezekiah’s example? The answer is found in Prov 29:25 “The fear of man is a snare…” We fear men more than we fear God. But, don’t forget the last part of that verse: “he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.”

We should learn from Hezekiah how God works when we do not meet the bully’s demands but lay them before the Lord. When Hezekiah did that, Isaiah the prophet sent him the answer: Do not fear but trust in the Lord. So then, to cement that truth in Hezekiah’s mind and the minds of his kingdom, God sent his angel of death into the camp of the Assyrians and killed not just one but 185,000 in one night.

Lesson from Hezekiah’s playbook on how to handle a bully; humble thyself and seek the face of God.  Trust in God that He will work to protect His own. He may not kill the enemy but then again He just might. The lesson for us is to stand back and watch God work!

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