1.5.25.Satan and his ways

God i sour deliverer

Luke 4 The Spiritual War Begins

Although Satan has had the liberty to roam about this world, his target has always been the Son of God and His followers. Seeking to disarm Jesus, Satan sets up three traps, but Jesus foils them all. Interesting that he sets up three, why not more? He does the same for us seeking to wear us down and yet we see that it only took one for Eve to succumb. There is a lesson here for us: beware of Satan’s ploy and do as Jesus did: quote scripture to thwart his plans. That is why we must be not just “in” the Word but also be able to quote it which means we must have the Word on our minds and on our lips. 

Today, as we face the onslaught of the evil one, do not be like Eve but like Jesus. What verses shall you memorize this year? What verses will calm your spirit when the evil one comes? We know his plans, he roams about seeking whom he can devour so be prepared. 

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