He Said – She Said

Gen 3 to 5 “He said, She said”

The present-day soap operas and even in our gov’t we find that people are prone to blameshifting rather than taking responsibility for their actions. Satan takes advantage of this behavior because he is a liar and we are weak because we have not studied to show ourselves approved. Thus, we are unable to discern truth from error thus leaving us immature believers.

How easily we forget what God commands just as Eve did. God said: you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will surely die. Satan said: Is it really true?”  Then Eve said: God said yes but added just not eat of it but you must not touch it, or else you will die.’  What an opening for Satan!

His response: Surely you will not die! (Liar, liar, pants on fire!)

When God appears on the scene we find Adam blaming Eve!  “The woman whom you gave me,” She made me do it did not sit well with God. And when God asked Eve her response was “the serpent tricked me.” We find ourselves in this picture. God commands. Satan seeks to deceive. He is successful and we pass off the responsibility to another.

To protect us we must do as the psalmist said: Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You. Then we must meditate upon it day and night!

Why do we need to do that? Because of what we know of Satan’s tools and because of what we know of God’s truth: inspired scripture prepares us to be equipped for every good work.

How are you coming in memorizing 2Tim 3:16 so you are prepared?

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