1.3.25. Wisdom from Job

Job 1-5 Daily Pattern
The book of Job is probably the first book in the Torah to be recorded. In it we learn one of the most important lessons about parenting: “This was Job’s customary practice.” What was it that Job did? Job presents a picture of what all believing parents should do: offer sacrifices. We don’t offer sacrifices which can be consumed but sacrifices of prayer and praise. Heb 13:15 Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Note: Job got up early and prayed and offered sacrifices for his ten children.
What prayer sacrifices can you offer as a parent for your children? Job was concerned about their spiritual walk with God. Had they sinned? Had they too offered thoughts of love and persistence? We don’t know and Job hasn’t told us what his prayers consisted of but only that he prayed. This is a model for us for today and tomorrow.
Why is this important? The author tells us in the following chapters. He was so prepared spiritually that God took note. He asked Satan, have you seen my servant Job? “Have you considered my servantJob? There is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and turns away from evil.” Thus began a spiritual war to prove to Satan that Job was righteous.
Today begin a spiritual journey to pray for your children and for your family because the evil one is roaming about seeking whom he can devour but God’s protection is ours.Put on your spiritual armor so you can thwart the weapons of the enemy and it begins with prayer.