You are the Temple of Christ

You are the temple of God

Cor 5 to 8 Life Lessons for the Church and Believers who make up the Body

Even though the Corinthian church had many sins that needed correcting, Paul could stop and say, you are unleavened–meaning they were believers. He said you are washed, you are sanctified, and you are justified. If we just stopped and pondered that when the enemy comes calling, we might see ourselves differently. Yes, we sin, but 1 John 1:9 says if we confess them, God will cleanse us from all this unrighteousness that beleaguers us.

However, then with all that, Paul takes this church to the woodshed! Why are you dragging your dirty laundry into the marketplace? Why are you not remaining pure both in and out of marriage? Beloveds, this should not be! Instead, you should see yourselves as the Body of Christ purchased with his blood, and you now are the temple of the Lord. Be ye pure! Be ye holy! Beware of being a stumbling block to outsiders.

Do we ache when sin abounds? Do we want purity and righteousness as Paul wanted for the Corinthians?

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