Whirring Wings Bringing the Gospel

Isaiah 18-22 God is such a creative God. When I think of whirring wings, I think of planes but not so in Isaiah’s time. God has given Isaiah a visual picture of several nations opposed to God, and the first is the picture of whirring wings. Dr. Constable says the land of Cush and beyond had sails that looked this way. At first glance, they would be seen as beautiful, but then you realize that ships that come this way do not bring treasure but men who seek your life. God is using them as His instruments of judgment. He is the Lord God Almighty and will not share His glory with another. [Is 48:11]
Whereas God’s plan and words are of judgment, we should not boast and say they “got what they deserved.” Isaiah reminds us that to do so is also the sin of pride because we elevate ourselves to think this will not happen to us.
Today may I be sensitive to those walking in darkness and see God’s open door to bring them the gospel. Lord, give me gospel conversation opportunities today and beyond.