
We love the game of hide and seek but with God He always knows where we are. King David sought to play that game with Him but God was not pleased and sent the prophet Nathan to reveal his hiding place.
Psalm 51 You cannot hide from God. No matter what you do, you cannot hide. God will move heaven and earth to show us our depravity and our need for His cleansing. David had tried to hide behind lies and life as usual, but God used the prophet, Nathan, to reveal his self-deception. At that moment, when he heard “you are the man,” all of his support system fell away and he lay bare before the Almighty God. God does that for us as well when we have refused to admit our sin. It is then that our prayers reach heaven’s door and then God’s lovingkindness reaches down from heaven to cleanse our hearts and minds.
David finally was open and transparent before God about his sin of adultery and murder. He sought God’s mercy and cleansing recognizing that his sin was not just sin against Uriah and Bathsheba but his sin was against a holy God. He notes that God is just and right to condemn him and why he needed cleansing. We too in our prayer time before God must seek God’s mercy, cleansing and washing and then, and only then, can we ask God to grant us the sweet forgiveness that only He can give.
Will you seek God’s face and His forgiveness today for any sin that you are harboring? Your sin is not just against men but against God. Seek Him first and His lovingkindness will pour over you.