What are you seeing today?

Ps 41/Ps 33 “The Beatitudes of the Psalms.”
As a tax collector, Matthew was monetarily rich, and yet his heart was empty until Jesus called him. He left behind his riches to follow Christ and later recorded the teachings of Jesus that his fellow Jews might see the promised Messiah. Matthew 5 reveals what the world sees as upside-down theology. Instead of focusing on self first; focus on this principle: “So the last will be first, and the first last.” God looks at the heart and the actions that come from it. The principle is: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Centuries before Matthew wrote, David noted: “How blessed is the one who treats the poor properly!” These are the merciful, the compassionate, and the gracious. They pray not only for God’s eyes to see those in need, but then to treat them with grace.
Catherine Martin writes: “You can always spot those who know life in the garden of grace, for they act with unusual mercy and love, and they speak out of kindness and compassion rather than resentment and vengeance.” [1]
Psalm 41 ends: “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.” Earlier David noted that God watches from heaven; he sees all people and takes note of all their actions.
Today ask the Lord to give you His eyes that you may see, minister, and be blessed.
- Martin, Catherine, “A Woman’s Walk in Grace.” 2010 published by Harvest House
- Photo: Dreamstime