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Matt 1-4 It has been 400 yrs. of silence since Malachi closed the OT. It was as if God rolled up the heavens like men roll up a scroll. What was He doing? What was He saying? What took place in those years? Today just as long ago, people were born, lived, and died. Rulers came and went, and nations have come and gone on just as before. Today’s newspapers and headlines read like the Jerusalem Post, which people read looking for that blessed hope that was promised so long ago through the prophets of old. They read the scriptures over and over, thinking that in them they would have eternal life in them; yet it is these that testified about Messiah’s coming. [Jn 5:39]
And then, with a word from heaven, the scroll unrolled to reveal the words of Malachi [Mal 4:5] “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet to prepare the way of the Lord.” And Isaiah’s words came true! A virgin would conceive, and Messiah would come through her, as Isaiah had said. [Is 7:14] He would be able to trace his lineage through the royal halls of men and women such as Tamar, Ruth, Rahab, and Bathsheba. He would come to prove that God’s silence was but for a moment. Messiah came just as He promised!
Are you hungering and thirsting for righteousness? [Matt 5:6] Are you waiting for Messiah to come? He came just as He said. Have you met Him? He is waiting to reveal Himself to you.
Blessed Messiah, open the eyes of the blind to see You, open their ears to hear You, and open their hearts to receive you.