The Temple

2Chron 4, 1Kings 7 If only we had had a cell phone camera as we read these chapters written by Chronicler and Kings about the very detailed steps to complete the Temple. And what a wonder covered in precious stones and gold! The chronicler has given us a ringside seat to view the expanse of this magnificent building through his word pictures as he spells out the purpose, which is to worship God and He alone. But that isn’t how the story will go, because while Solomon was busy building this, he also completed a home for his wife, the Pharaoh’s daughter. Mark that verse in your Bible, for this was the beginning of the turning away of Solomon’s heart from the Lord to the false gods. We’ll come back to that in later chapters.
The physical Tabernacle and the Temple were to draw men to God, yet that must be the Holy Spirit’s work. It isn’t a beautiful wood structure, stone, and gold, but we, God’s people become His Temple by the Holy Spirit’s work. “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? [1Cor 3:16]
When the Holy Spirit indwells you, you are now God’s Temple. Have you experienced that transformation?