The Still Small Voice of the Holy Spirit

Isaiah 25/26 Today some people are asking for prayer. Sometimes it is just a simple request. Each one who is reaching out is a heart that is hurting. We wonder what to say to encourage; we want to comfort, but our words seem trite. But, if we listen carefully, we may hear the still small voice as Elijah heard. It is the Holy Spirit graciously reminding us our Father “wilt keep [us] in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on [Him].” [Is 26:3] What a profound and comforting truth for in a time of uncertainty. There may be threats of the COVID in the news, but God is sovereign and in control. What a comfort to know God is a “protector for the needy in their distress.” Isaiah reminds us that we are to exalt the one who has worked wonders with perfect faithfulness. He alone is our shelter from the storms of life.
Frances Havergal captured this in “Like a River Glorious” last stanza:
Every joy or trial falleth from above; traced upon our dial by the Sun of love; we may trust Him fully, all for us to do; they who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true. Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest, finding as He promised perfect peace and rest.
When at a loss for words, try a hymn or a passage of scripture.
These are the gracious words to comfort those who are hurting.