Grumbling or Trusting

1Kings 17-19 Do you grumble? If you say yes, you are just like King Ahab who grumbled about Elijah and about a drought. Elijah is a man of God who came out of nowhere to confront King Ahab about his lifestyle. To teach Ahab that He, not Baal, is the God of the universe, God would use his faithful prophet, Elijah, and a drought.
After the confrontation, God protected and provided for Elijah in dire situations because nothing is too hard for God for that is his name: Jehovah Jireh, our provider. He sent Elijah to a place of refuge from the wicked king and queen at the brook Cherith. There, ravens brought him food every day until the brook dried up. Then God sent him to a widow in Zarephath. God again provided oil and flour day after day. But when the widow’s son died, both she and Elijah needed the only resource left: prayer. It was the faithful prayer of Elijah that restored the child to the woman. In the meantime, while all of this was going on, God provided a simple man named Obadiah to protect and provide for a hundred of God’s prophets.
Step by step, God provided for every need. If He could use unclean ravens, an unnamed widow, or an Obadiah, will He not provide for your every need? Do you trust Him to take care of your essentials or are you just grumbling like Ahab?