The Atonement

Lev 16 The Day of Atonement
The Israelites were to set aside one day of the year, and the high priest was to offer sacrifices for himself and his family BEFORE he offered sacrifices for the community. The Jews still honor that day even today, but we don’t. We don’t because Christ was our perfect sacrifice once and for all.
Secondly, in this, we see Aaron as the mediator between him and God for the people. Today, Christ is our mediator, and no man can fill that position. For there is one God and one intermediary between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, [1Ti 2:5]. Then Aaron was to take a smoking censer to create a screen between him and the Shekinah glory. Now we can “confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help.” [Heb 4:16]
The Day of Atonement is a beautiful reminder of the price paid by our Lord. One day all will be fulfilled, and no longer will we need to do it over and over. Christ fulfilled it all.