Striving is like hitting potholes in the road

striving is like hitting potholes

Prov 30 Are you Striving or Satisfied?

The words of Agur, an oracle which is a burden that one is carrying or a divine utterance delivered to man, usually in answer to a request for guidance. Surely that latter definition fits here because Agur repeatedly asks God to help him because “he has not learned wisdom.” That is a picture of one who humbly submits to God for guidance.

As the chapter progresses, we see his requests. He doesn’t want to strive for wealth because wealth can disappear in an instant. Instead, it is only through the words of God he will be purified. Agur advises others who are also facing similar situations. He notes that God’s word is purified, tested, and proven genuine, just as Paul noted in  2Tim 3:16. The psalmist also recognized that. “Your instructions are totally reliable;” [Ps 119:160] Finally, Agur also warns of adding to God’s divine inspiration. The Apostle John echoed those exact words in Rev 22:18.

This brings us to our question:  are you striving or satisfied with what God has given you? Do you seek God above all else?  

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