The ABC’s of God’s Word

Memorize Ps 119

Psalm 119: Many of us have scores of Bibles at our fingertips, bookstores galore, and many different websites offering different versions of the Bible. But, the early Israelites learned through oral recitation like the “abecedaries,” just as children today learn their A-B-C’s in a sing-song fashion. All 176 verses of this psalm remind us of the steadfast love of God and His Word and mention the Word of God in nearly every stanza. 

Martin Luther memorized this entire psalm, and as a monk, he followed the pattern of reciting long passages of scripture. He found Psalm 119 easy to remember because of its sing-song pattern. What a great challenge for us! Just as the psalmist said, those blessed are blameless and obedient to the law of the Lord. They choose to observe God’s rules and seek Him wholeheartedly. He knew the principle of 2Tim 3:16 “All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, reproof correction, and training in righteousness.”

Here’s our challenge for July: memorize at least a portion of Psalm 119 and share with us what you glean.

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