“Serving Until the Very End”

John 13 Jesus knew his departure from this world was imminent. Yet note what John recalled: Jesus knew that he was leaving this world BUT he was returning to His Father. When we face that unwelcome companion that will enter our sphere do we have that same confidence? Are we sure that after our last breath we will be in the presence of the Father? We can trust that will happen because Jesus said this is my promise to you: eternal life. [1Jn 2]
Yet before Jesus would leave he had one last teaching to give to his disciples which was how to serve and keep on serving until the very end, and so he stood, took a towel and girded himself. He then began to wash their feet one by one-even to the one who would betray him. Jesus then said: I have given you an example—you should do just as I have done for you for the slave is not greater than his master nor is the one who is sent as a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
Today we share in Holy Communion and give thanks to the Messenger who came that we might have life. He came to his own but they did not accept him as the Light of the World. What say you, have you received Him?