Nehemiah: A Leader Example

Nehemiah 7 to 9 The Marks of a Good Leader
The marks of a good leader are the ability to see ourselves as God’s servant whose sole desire is for a heavenly, not an earthly reward and a sure focus on the task God has presented to us as a “great work.”
Nehemiah governed through wisdom and practical means. As we read more about him, we can see that he was a man chosen by God because he demonstrated real honor and submission to Him. We can learn much from his example of persistence and wisdom, which is applicable today in our present-day culture. His excellence is one to follow for the church as well as in the secular world.
We need men like Nehemiah. These men are faithful with a proper belief in God; devoted to the interests of God, along with faithfully discharging the duties of his office. Nehemiah is an example to follow as he governed according to the laws as well as taking care of the interests of pure religion. He acted in all things as one who had a fear of God continually before his eyes.
Are we good leaders?