Nehemiah’s Epitaph


Nehemiah 11 to 13, Ps 126 Nehemiah reminds God! Do we?

Over and over, one refrain is used by Nehemiah “remember me, O God” for what I have done. Does God forget? No, He does not. In Exodus and throughout, God remembers His covenant. Why then does Nehemiah tell God to remember? Could it be that it is a reminder to each one of us lest we forget? Psalm 139 says, “You have searched me and known me.” God knows all, but we are forgetful.

Nehemiah doesn’t say reward me, but remember me. Malachi records that, “A scroll was prepared before him in which were recorded the names of those who respected the Lord and honored his name.” [Mal 3:16]
As we step apart from Nehemiah today, let us look forward to that time when we meet Nehemiah in the heavenly temple as the faithful servant of God who only asked one thing: Remember me, O God.”

What an outstanding epitaph of the legacy of this faithful servant.

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