Mining for God’s gems

Proverbs 2 Do you go through day after day wondering about the questions that surface in your study and your job and etc. etc. etc. Solomon offer the answers to that by saying “if you will receive…if you cry for discernment…if you dig as miner..” then you have the answers and you find God’s gems for each dilemma you face!

Why do we find taking those steps in our own lives so hard? I think sometimes we are just plain lazy. We also are not taking to heart this verse from Paul to Timothy. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” [2Tim 2:15]

The wisdom that God gave Solomon is evident in this passage. Today, take time to mine the riches of God’s Word so you can be that workman.

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