Joshua 1-4 Obedience 

trust God

It was harvest time and Joshua sent men ahead to scout out Jericho. Unlike the first time that men went ahead, this time he just sent two. They must have been fearless, strong, brave, and willing to die if found. They were faithful and that is a characteristic we must have to be followers of the Lord. Joshua has spent over 40 years following the orders of Moses and now the mantle has been placed on his shoulders. His first test of leadership will fall on the shoulders of these two men. Will they pass or fail? The test came as they entered the house of Rahab. Would they disclose their reason for being there in Jericho? How about Rahab? How would she handle this test? All four passed and God honored Rahab, the spies and Joshua. How about us when God gives a task that is challenging? 

This section of God’s Word challenges us to follow Jesus 100% with no questions asked. Joshua gave the spies the battle plan and they succeeded because God had also placed Rahab in the mix. We often see the plan but not the steps included, but God sees all and He has placed all the information we need to be successful. God only asks us to be strong and courageous for He goes ahead of us. What is keeping us from being God’s spies and getting information?  

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