Job 14: Man’s Destiny

where will you go at death

Recently a man placed himself in a frozen state upon his death so that his body might be “resurrected” when the science develops the way to thaw him. Guess what? He is still frozen and he is still dead and even Job realized that once man dies, he is dead, dead. “Since man’s days are determined, the number of his months is under your control; you have set his limit, and he cannot pass it.” So says God and Job. 

When men begin to think they can operate like God, they are doomed. Even Job realized that truth. Job also recognized that men are not like trees. If they are cut down the root remains and with water and proper nourishment, they are “resurrected” to live again. How stupid is man! Only one man has lived, died and was resurrected to new life and that man was Jesus! Job knew this principle: But man dies and is powerless; he expires—and where is he? And that is the question men must answer. Luke 16 tells the story of two men who lived and died. One went to Paradise and the other to Torments. One chose the way of eternity with God and the other an eternity of hell. Now is the day for men to decide which place they will enter upon death. Choose ye this day whom you will serve. Choose the Lord and obey Him so you will be blessed upon your departure. 

What is your decision about death? Where will you end up on your deathbed? 

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