I am God, there is no other!

Joel 1-3 Of any prophet from the OT there is one that stands out as a beacon to see not only the past, but the present and the future in just three short chapters. Joel has been given a vision of something that so horrible that it is talked about for years to come. We can relate to that as we remember the events such as 9-11. People ask ‘where were you when the towers came down?’ Joel is speaking to the nation of Judah and warning them that they will experience their 9-11. In the midst of that Joel reminds them:

 “God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness, relenting of evil.”   Return to Him because He Is the Lord your God! He is the Lord and there is no other.

In 1915 Israel faced a locust plague just like the one Joel describes. Even this year, 2020, Africa has faced a similar plague. The question we must ask is not why it happens but what can we learn from it?  That is why Joel’s question and Jesus’ statement is vital to our understanding. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.” [Matt 5]

Have you forgotten the message of Joel? God is speaking directly, personally, and urgently to you to call unto Him and seek His face.

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