The Fate of the Wicked and the Blessing for Israel.

God will restore

Ezek 28 Although Ezekiel paints a vivid picture of the enemies of Israel, there is a silver lining in that dark cloud. There will come a day when all of the world will bow its knee, and they will know that He is Lord, Lord of all.

Israel has faced the judgment of God. She rejected Him for the pleasures of sin for a season, but there comes a payment day like all sin. Ezekiel has been telling them that this will be the reward for their iniquity: 70 yrs. of captivity in Babylon. But, this is where there is a silver lining in that dark cloud; after 70 yrs. He will restore them to His land, the Promised Land, and then they will know that He has spoken, He is the Lord.

Where are you wallowing in sin, looking for that day of redemption? God has a promise for you, but it comes when you yield to Him. Then it will be just as the prophet Joel wrote: “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you.” [Joel 2:25]

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