Exodus 30-32 Idolatry

Do you find that your patience grows thin as you wait for the Lord to intervene? Do you place “idols” of gold and silver before you as the Israelites did? It is amazing that God did not destroy them immediately…the patience of God is beyond my understanding. As He was patient with the Israelites, so He is patient with me…yet there are consequences.
Aaron was given the responsibility to take care of the Israelites as Moses went up the mountain and as he waited, he began to waver and then to finally fail by yielding to the voices of the children of Israel. How often are men/women in placed in charge only to be found failing when the pressure is on to perform? We hear, what are you waiting for? The lesson of Aaron is a prime example of those who are in leadership and fail. There is a saying: “When the going gets tough, the tough keep going.” Aaron did not heed this but yielded to the voices of the masses. I wonder how he faced the Israelites after this episode? How quick he was to blame shift and we do as well.
So many lessons here!