Do Not Fear….

Acts. 26 Testify
Paul has had opportunities that few have had; to stand before judges,rulers and kings more than once. Now, he stands before the king and his testimony is full of his life before Christ since meeting Jesus on the Damascus road. With each ruler, Paul has expertly spoken to them using their own life and how they perceive the risen Christ. More than once, Paul has heard: you almost convince me to become a Christian. As we stand before others do we hear the same words after we have testified to the risen Christ? Each time, the Holy Spirit has given Paul the words to convict each person of their sin and. prove their wrong understanding of sin and righteousness and judgment— all because they do not believe in the risen Christ. [John 16:8-9]
Why do we fear speaking about the Christ when it is the Holy Spirit that does the convincing? All three men, Felix, Festus and now Agrippa will have to stand before God one day and they will hear these words; depart from Me, I never knew you, and this is the tragedy of men today. May you not hear those same words but repent now and be saved.