Matt 3 Proclaiming Christ!
When the Spirit impregnated Mary it was for one purpose, that the Christ would be manifest as God in the flesh. To ensure that the people knew this, God prepared a voice to herald his coming and John the Baptist was that voice.It is interesting that God not only has a plan but has way of executing that plan. Enter John the Baptist with a message: the kingdom of God is near! Prepare yourself to not just witness it but partake in it. To do so, one must repent and be baptized. Too often we see baptism as a rite of passage but has the one to be baptized repented of their sins as Matthew writes? To do so one must be of age or has the ability to ponder that statement.It is not babies who need baptism for they are not of knowledgeable age. So why do we baptize infants who are still not accountable? Culture? Tradition? Misunderstanding the scripture? It is all of that and more.
The question before us is this:have you repented of your sin and been baptized?