Are you sluggish again?

Hebrews 6 Do you remember being reminded not once but several times to clean your room as a kid? The Hebrews author seems to be sending that same signal to the readers; stop being sluggish! Hebrews 5&6usethe same word, so he is pointing fingers at them and wanting them to get busy!
The second thing the Hebrews author warns against is apostasy which is a denial and turning back from Christ. It means you were on the right path, but chose to step off the path into the world of darkness rather than staying on the path of the eternal light. The author reminds the reader that by doing this you are: “crucifying the Son of God for themselves all over again and holding him up to contempt.” [Heb 6:8] How tragic! Jesus came to remove the darkness and to now choose the opposing path must grieve His heart. He sacrificed his life but they are choosing to be like Judas by selling their gift of salvation for a pittance.
Beloved, this should not be! His advice is this: “so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and perseverance inherit the promises.” [Heb 6:12] So what is keeping you from fulfilling your duty? Are you sluggish again?