Ezra 1-3 One of the promises God gave his errant children is that after 70
yrs. they could return to Israel. Ezra believed that promise and prepared
himself to not only go there but also to guide the people in this large
company. Imagine being in this company of many, many people with large gifts
from King Cyrus. It must have been a monumental undertaking and one that Ezra
looked forward to for a long time.
We, too, will one day take a long journey, but it won’t take us months of
preparation and include large numbers of people.
will happen in the twinkling of an eye. God is calling each of us to prepare
now for our future journey to heaven. We will prepare alone and journey alone,
but when we arrive there, it will be much like Ezra chapter 3. We will sing and
glorify the Lord “For He is good, and His loyal love endures forever.”
Are you preparing by making sure your heart is clean of sin? Romans 10:9 “if
you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” That is how you prepare!
If God should call you this day to come “home” to heaven, are you ready?