“Anointed for Service”

Isaiah 61 Today there is someone in spiritual crisis. Are you ready to step in or are you still echoing this question? What does God want me to do? Messiah didn’t have that problem. He knew that the Lord had chosen and commissioned him. We may be centuries apart, but the Israelites to whom Isaiah was writing and speaking had the same questions you have.
Listen as Isaiah allows Messiah to speak. “I have been anointed for the service of the Lord.” Centuries later, the Apostle John wrote: “Nevertheless you have an anointing from the Holy One,” [1Jo 2:20] Peter wrote: “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may proclaim the virtues of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” [1Pet 2:9]
Messiah knew his calling, his anointing, and the reason God chose Him. He would encourage the poor, help the brokenhearted, and free those imprisoned by sin. God gave him spiritual insight to see men’s desperate need for healing of the soul, mind, and body. Today, this same Holy Spirit has anointed you to fulfill these same areas of need in the lives of those around you.
So who has God shown you that someone needs a refreshing word from the Lord? It might be a parent who sees a child who has made a wrong choice, someone who has lost their job, a pastor who has heavy responsibilities or a missionary in a far off land that is lonely—or perhaps a friend or an acquaintance.
Remember, God has called each of us to fulfill the Great Commission.