Leviticus 24 Warning!

Be vigilant

Thisis a story that ought to be told over and over! “any man curses his God, he will bear responsibility for his sin, and one who misuses the nameof the Lord must surely be put to death.” Today we hear the name of God used in a profane way without thought or consequences. Perhaps if we followed this there would be less of that and more of honoring the Lord’s Name! Clearly God wants His people to be pure and holy and this is one way we bring dishonor to Him and it all begins with the loss of temper. Curtail your temper and remember to honor God and other men. 

Wisdom speaks: “A person who has a quick temper will do foolish things, and a person with crafty schemes will be hated.” And again: “quick-tempered person stirs up dissension but one who is slow to anger calms a quarrel.“ [Prov 14 and 15]

Today speak with calmness and avoid solving problems with a temper tantrum otherwise you might find yourself in a predicament like this young man. 

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