11.20.24.The Vinedresser

John 15 Jesus is the Vine…
Have you walked along with the vine dresser as he moves from plant to plant? You watch and see how faithful a worker is he as he takes his hands to carefully lift the vines that are drooping or he takes his sharp shears to cut off the dead vines. Our Master Jesus is our vinedresser and He tenderly lifts us out of our sin that we might produce much fruit. Fruit is the evidence of our abiding in Him. Without abiding, we cannot bear fruit for it is He who gives us life everlasting.
Jesus said: My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples. This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. When we love one another we are producing the fruit that lasts. When we fail to love, He, Jesus, comes to us to prune us so that we will bear much fruit.
Yesterday Jesus said we would do greater works than He and today in Jn 15 this greater work is that we love one another. This is the fruit that God looks for in our lives. Are you abiding or is He gathering your drooping vines so that you can take in the sun to produce a greater work? Beware that the vinedresser does not find a dead vine in you that needs to be cut off.