10.13.24. God is God!

Psalm 115-116 Give God Honor

Listen you people of the land; return to Me says the Lord so that I can bless you. Instead, they follow the gods of the land and not He who is in heaven. These have no life, ears but cannot hear, eyes but cannot see. Why would you bow down to them? These are questions I ask of my family member who bows down to Buddha but not the Everlasting God Almighty, ruler of heaven and earth. She responds; what is good for you is good, what is good for me, is good. Or the other family member who says, the OT is just history but is not relevant to today.  The God of the OT is not like the God of the NT. The God of the OT is revengeful and the God of the NT is peaceful and loving. I reject the OT because of that. 

Perhaps you can relate to these pictures. So how do we respond? First we see  the truth of 2 Cor 4:4 “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so they cannot see the glorious image of Christ.” 

Pray beloved, pray for the scales to fall from their eyes so they can see and then can proclaim as the psalmist: “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name bring honor,for the sake of your loyal love and faithfulness.” [Ps 115:1]

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