Wisdom Speaks

Prov 19-21 In this life, we face the scorners, the naive, and those who are the wise. The scoffer does not learn from rebuke, but the wise take a rebuke as a lesson to be heeded. The naive may glean wisdom in what not to do if caught in the same scenario but the wise glean from the rebuke of another and gain knowledge.
Charles Spurgeon spoke about this regarding the way men come to the cross. The scoffer/scorner seeks to add to the simple message of salvation by heaping up works rather than the simple message to repent and believe. The wise listen and accept the simple message of the gospel.
The scorner/scoffer is an example of Pharaoh. Prov 19:3 his heart rages against the Lord– Prov 19-19 A man of great anger will bear the penalty, For if you rescue him, you will only have to do it again.– But why is one person a scoffer who is rebuked but does not learn? Pride. Why does one person learn from another’s rebuke? Listen to the words of Jesus: Blessed are the poor in spirit, meaning the humble; theirs will be the kingdom of heaven. [Matt 5:3]
So which person am I /are you?