Which person are you?

Luke 10 The Samaritan Teaches Us Grace

Like many encounters that Jesus encounters in his three-year journey to speak to His people, Jesus uses a simple story to show us how to put aside all preconceived ideas of what Grace looks like and answers the question: who is my neighbor? Interestingly, Jesus tells this story, which follows His meeting with the Samaritan woman to show men that God is impartial. Just as the prophet Malachi taught, God loves all, and this story is very relevant today when hatred and partiality are alive and well.

Thieves are self-centered individuals who do not care for the needs of others, as seen in this story Jesus told. A man is accosted by robbers who beat him and steal all he has. Enter two others, a priest and a Levite, who have been taught about acting godly, yet their life reveals that actions were not more critical, so they arrogantly look the other way. What was the reason? Jesus leaves the motivation of each to our imagination. A third man, a Samaritan, is on his way, but his heart of compassion demonstrates impartiality for one in distress. He is the godly example and teaches us that we are also to be. The question is: which man are we?

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