“Where do you find your rest?”

God is...

Psalm 91 Do you sense that the world is unraveling? Take a moment and consider: God is El Elyon, Yahweh; El Shaddai; Elohim, and Jehovah. He is the God who provides us rest.

 El Elyon is God’s name of safety and our abiding. Jesus spoke of Himself as the vine and us as the branches. He said if you abide or remain in the vine, you will find shelter.

The Sovereign One; the El Shaddai. He is the All-Sufficient One, the Lord Almighty. He is the “I AM” who has great power. Trust Me and follow Me for I am immutable/unchangeable; therefore, you can find rest in Me and my protective shadow. 

The Lord; Elohim is Sovereign, the Mighty One over all. As we observe the heavens and the sunrise and sunset, the stars and moon, we can know that all is well because Elohim is in control. He cares, and He is steadfast to carry us through even the most difficult of times. Nothing comes to us but filtered through His fingers.

No matter the name you use, know this: God is available 24/7 for us in contrast to the idols and false gods that are detracted from us unless we offer something to appease them. Jesus said, Come unto me, and I will give you rest. [Matt 11] Today, as you face the unknowns, find your rest in Him.

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