What is Mercy?

This is mercy

Mark 3; Luke 6; Matthew 12:1-21 Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted, bind up their wounds, and not condemn the guiltless. Mercy is reaching out to a man who has lived with a withered hand, thus hindering his ability to do manual work and restoring it no matter what day it is and even more so on the Sabbath. Mercy is looking at those who seek your life and choosing to walk away from their taunts. You decide not to engage them because that is a fruitless endeavor. Mercy is your broken heart, yet you choose to pray because conversations are unproductive until the Holy Spirit pricks their heart. Mercy recognizes that they may hate you, mock and scorn you, yet you are blessed as you face this day after day, moment after moment. Know this truth: your reward is great in heaven.

God knows you, He sees you, He chooses to bless you for your responses to these whose heart is hard. Continue, that means do not give up, to be merciful that those who are blind may one day see.

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