Thou Shalt Not Kill

Mark 15, Matt 27 It seems that the religious leaders conveniently forgot this commandment God gave through Moses. They were, as Mark noted, envious of Jesus. They tried in vain to remove Him from leading the people. Interestingly, earlier, the people had tried to make Jesus a king, but He removed himself so that could not happen. Now, the religious leaders sought to use that as their reasoning for his crucifixion, but Pilate did not buy it. Pilate is not as innocent as it would seem on the surface. God providentially placed him before the Truth, but Pilate ignored his heart and yielded to the crowd.
God is long-suffering and not willing any to perish, [2 Peter 3:9] but each is responsible for their decision regarding truth and life. Like the Jewish religious leaders, the LIGHT stood before him, and he rejected Him. They mocked him, forgetting this principle: “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked.” [Gal 6:7] What we sow, we shall also reap. Pilate and the religious leaders sowed to the flesh, and they reaped corruption to their flesh.
When you stand before Christ, what say you regarding who He is and why He came? Is He your KING?