11.26.24. Fear is a snare…

John 19 Guilty or Innocent
In this chapter the Apostle John is like Sherlock Holmes. He has the evidence, will he pronounce the verdict? Jesus remarked that the one who had handed him over to Pilate had the greater sin. Who was He referring to? Could it be Pilate who stood before him in total fear. Of what was he fearful? Jesus had just said he was given the power of his destiny and Pilate had to answer to Rome. Could it be Caiaphas, the high priest because of his announcement that one man should die for the nation. As we read this we encounter several emotions and decisions are revealed.
The first and prominent emotion is fear and Proverbs reminds us that the fear of man is a snare. Both Pilate and Caiaphas were fearful and their fear was guiding their decisions. As we watch and listen we are reminded that we have an adversary who is clever enough to sway men’s minds just as he did in the Garden of Eden. He presents just enough truth to sway us and then we fall victim to his plans. The worst part of that is that our fear leads us into the path of sin and others become complicit along with us. We can’t say he made me do it. We are all responsible to God for what we decide.
Both Pilate and Caiaphas leave us with how we are to make decisions. We can allow fear to guide us or we can seek the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom from the Holy One. Whom will you choose?