There’s a New Day Coming.

Jer 30-32 In 1933, a song was published that must have encouraged our nation coming out of the Great Depression. It was called “A New Day is Coming.” Jeremiah was “singing” that tune long before this to the children of Israel as they sat waiting and watching the Babylonians build siege ramps outside the city walls. They were asking, can anything good come out of this? Jeremiah repeated the words of God: “…is there anything too hard for me? “I am the Lord, the God of all humankind. There is, indeed, nothing too difficult for me.” [Jer 32:27] If I could create this world out of nothing, I can surely bring you back and replenish this land and My people. As the sun rises and sets, my Word will never pass away. [Matt 24:35] What I have said, I will do. [Is 38:7]
Why does He do that? It is because He has “loved you with an everlasting love. That is why [He] has continued to be faithful to you [Jer 31:3] and because He is Father, and that’s what fathers do. [Jer 31:9]
Keep looking up; a new day is coming!