The Price of Sin

Lev 14-15 When we sin, intentionally or unintentionally, everyone suffers! The price for forgiveness or cleansing is very steep. In the case of the Israelites, it was the cost of an unblemished lamb or turtledoves. No matter what was given, it was costly to the sinner. We don’t have to wonder why because the life is in the blood. “Life for life.” [Lev 17:14] In Hebrews, we read: “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.”[Heb 9:22b]
How thankful I am that Christ gave himself to pay the price of my sin. “By his will, we have been made holy through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” [Heb 10:10]
Today as you and I go about our work, may we be ever so conscious of what we do, what we say, and our thoughts. May we be holy as He is holy.