“Are you enrolled in God’s Ph.D. program?”

Advent Series #3 No matter what year you are, know this fact: God has chosen you from eternity past to be His instrument. He chose you in eternity past and aims to not only change your pathway but also to school you in the “Ph.D. –Proclaiming Heaven Degree” program.” Your courses are titled:
Selected by the Father Eph 1:4-6
Saved by the Son Eph 1:7-11
Sealed by the Spirit Eph 1:12-14
You must participate in all three courses to become His workman and tell the world about His saving grace. Just as all programs begin at the beginning, so too, God has enrolled you in His program. Your teachers are the Word/Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit so you may know Him and be known by Him. Along the way, you may encounter the works of the devil to test your faith. It is then that you can be assured that the Son walks with you and talks with you just as He has done for centuries for others. He reveals that you are His chosen instrument to carry His Name to the farthest reaches of the earth with the gospel message.
The Advent season reminds us of Christ, our tutor until we walk across that stage and receive our diploma. Don’t give up! You have just begun! Which course are you enrolled in today?