The Personal Letters

2nd and 3rd John The Personal Letters
As the elder, John is now well advanced in age, but he is still sharp in mind and spirit. John never married, never had children, yet he has had the blessings of spiritual children who love the Messiah just as he. Like Peter, John is saying you have not seen him or touched him, but you love Him! [1Peter 1:8]
As the pastor shepherd, John is overwhelmed by his love for the elect lady and Gaius. He writes: “It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us.” [2John 1:4] This should bring us great joy when we see those we have discipled walking in the truth and in contrast we should feel great grief when we hear of those like Diotrephes who know the truth but are not walking in it.
There will always be the Diotrephes who seek to lord it over others. John is saying, be discerning and call them to account but before you do, be on your knees praying for wisdom; compassion, and a heart full of love. Today follow John’s example and write a letter to encourage another.