The past is past…leave it there.

Psalm 38 The Past and the Future
Today many counselors want us to dredge up the past and relive our past sins but is this healthy? The psalmist has brought his past before God, not some other person. Is this the way to handle our sins? Well, yes and no. Sometimes we are to carry our burdens to one another and share them so that they can give us wise counsel. Other times we are to carry them only to God. The psalmist wrote that he knelt before God and laid his past before him and let God take care of this problem he has before him. “But for you, O Lord, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.” [Ps 38:15]
So where are you today? Are you reliving the past or are you putting the past behind you as Paul said he would do and move on to the future. We cannot change the past so why relive it? It is hidden in the deeps of the sea. Leave it there and move on!