The Gospel is NOT for sale!

1Cor 9 to 11 Evidently the Corinthians had been challenging Paul regarding many different issues. Because of that, he plies them with question after question. Near the end of his defense of his apostleship, he challenged the Corinthians to see him in the role of a servant and steward so that he could offer the gospel free of charge. Is this how we see ourselves? God has given us a gift and it is this; we are His servants fitted with the gospel of peace to be proclaimed freely. The gospel is not for sale. It is a free gift from Christ.
The crux of Paul’s argument for the Corinthians comes from the teaching of Jesus to His disciples: “freely you received, freely give.” [Matt 10:8] or “you have been treated generously, so live generously.” [Matt 10:8 MSG]