Sharing and Serving

Exodus 25-27 God gives Moses the plan for building the Tabernacle. God owns it all, but He wants the people to share in the building. He wanted the people to give willingly, not because they had to but because they wanted to.
God gives you and me that same opportunity, and with it comes pride; not pride of self but pride in sharing in the building. When we are just given an enormous or precious gift, we often do not appreciate it. So our wise God knows that when the people share in the building, they will take ownership of it and be blessed. He doesn’t order the amount we are to give but only what our heart tells us.
Where has God given you and I a project and provided all the materials but asks us to participate by sharing out of our abundance?
Paul told the Corinthians that God is not a God of confusion but order, and these chapters prove that statement. [1Cor 14:33]The practical is proven wise.